The third installment of MCU’s Captain America Trilogy, Captain America Civil War was one the most important MCU movie ever. Captain America Civil War was crucial to MCU not because it divided the Avengers but because it introduced two iconic Marvel superheroes, Spider-Man and Black Panther.
The web crawler, Spider-Man played by Tom Holland got his solo movie a year ago. Even though Spidey is one most popular and best Marvel heroes, fans were more excited to see a solo Black Panther movie because of three reasons. The first reason is that the top-notch performance from second reason while the second was that fans wanted MCU to explore the fictional nation of Wakanda, which has an extensive collection of Vibranium.
The final reason was that some of the founding members of MCU’s Avengers will exit the franchise by Avengers Infinity War or the untitled Avengers 4 movie. So, you will need a strong and capable leader to lead the Avengers and Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther is one of the leading contenders who could lead a new team of Avengers.
Chadwick Boseman’s T’Challa leaped straight into the action after the death of his father, T’Chaka in Captain America Civil War. About two years later, Black Panther is on a solo mission against a greater foe, Erik Stevens aka Killmonger played by Michael B Jordan. If you have seen the movie, you will be well aware that Black Panther and Killmonger are similar in a number of aspects. However, the producer of the movie, Nate Moore recently stated that Captain America Civil War shows how Black Panther is different from Killmonger.
He said, “You feel the sympathy but you realize he never got over this awful thing that happened to him as a kid, right but was never able to circumvent that and become a good person. He actually becomes a bad person because of it, because vengeance consumes him to a degree he becomes a killer and has plans of essentially mass murder. Interestingly enough, T'Challa makes the opposite choice at the end of Captain America: Civil War, right? So there, he's confronted with Zemo and decides not to do the thing that I think Killmonger would have done immediately. That is where they are two sides of a different coin in a way because the men who they are dictate how they react to that very tragic circumstance.”
Even though the motives and reasons of Killmonger does makes him a reasonable guy, his actions depicts that Killmonger and Black Panther are two opposite sides of a coin. Black Panther will return for the next Avengers movie, Avengers Infinity War, which is scheduled for a May 4 release.
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