The Australian actor, Chris Hemsworth who has played the God of Thunder Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe recently confirmed that he is through playing the iconic Marvel superhero. The actor also confirmed that his MCU contract will expire after the fourth Avengers movie, which is rumoured to hit the screen by the summer of 2019.
Chris Hemsworth said, “My contract's coming to an end, we've just finished the last two Avengers. Who knows what the future holds.” Even though the third instalment of the Thor movie, Thor: Ragnarok was considered as a breath of fresh air and one of the most enjoyable Marvel movies till date, Chris Hemsworth feel looks at the movie as an ending note.
However, the Australian actor did confirm that he is all set to make a comeback for Thor 4 if the creators at Marvel can come up with something much better than Thor: Ragnarok. Hemsworth talked about the last Thor movie and said, “We felt like we reinvented the last one in a big way. We might have a conversation if there's another great script that comes along. But at the moment that's it.”
As we are a few months into the release of one of the most anticipated superhero movie, Avengers Infinity War, we need to embrace the fact that things are changing in the MCU. The founding members of the MCU’s Avengers such as Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye will not be around for future Marvel movies, as most of their contracts are expiring.
Additionally, the arrival of the Mad Titan, Thanos to the earth to claim the Infinity Stones might also mean that some MCU heroes may have to sacrifice their lives to stop the Mad Titan. Fortunately, it has been confirmed that Chris Hemsworth will be appearing in both the upcoming Avengers movies. So, we hope that we will be able to see a heroic and epic conclusion to Thor’s journey in the MCU.
The upcoming Avengers movies, Avengers Infinity War (2018) and the Untitled Avengers movie (2019) is rumoured to be the final act for some of our favourite MCU characters including Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man. These heroes will pass the torch to other major Marvel characters like Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and Captain Marvel to transform the face of MCU.
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