In a recent announcement, the executives from Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) announced that Marvel fans will soon be treated with a standalone Black Widow movie. Even though Marvel has refused to share any details on when the movie will be released and what stories the movie would adapt, it is rumored that the movie will hit the screen by the end of 2020. This means that the movie will happen after the third and fourth Avengers movies.
Scarlett Johansson who played the super spy, Natasha Romanoff first debuted in the MCU through Iron Man 2 and since then she has impressed all of us with her terrific performance. In an interview, the actress added that she is extremely happy with the recent announcement made by MCU and she is very much ready for a standalone Black Widow movie. She added, “I’m invested in that character. Marvel is greatly invested in that character. If I did it, I’d have to do it while. I still actually wanted to wear a skin-tight cat suit. I don’t know how much longer that’s going to be.”
It has been confirmed that the 33-year-old Hollywood actress will continue to work with the Marvel Studios until 2019. However, Scarlett Johansson did state that she does not know whether she will be able to wear the “skin-tight cat suit” for a very long time, as she gets older. So, she might not be planning to extend her contract with Marvel after 2019 but a standalone Black Widow will definitely happen before she retires from the role
The pressing question is that what will the newly announced Black Widow movie be about - will be an origin story, or will it be a continuation of the phase 3 of MCU. However, it seems that the actress do have some ideas on her new MCU project. Scarlett Johansson said, “I would like for it to happen under the right circumstances. I think there’s a lot of opportunity to mine that story line. She’s got a really rich origins story. There’s a lot of places you can go, you can bring it back to Russia. You could explore the Widow program. There’s all kinds of stuff that you could do with it. You could really uncover the identity of who this person is, where she comes from and where she’s part of.”
She added, “There’s plenty of back story. Or not. It could be something else. Where do the Avengers go? They are underground. What happens then? What happens after it all falls apart? There are so many ways you can go. I think it would just have to be very much like its own specific thing. It would have to have its own specific vibe. It would have been totally different than any of the other standalone films. I think if the fans wanted it enough, then it would probably become a reality.”
However, it doesn’t really matter what the standalone movie will be about because it will be surely welcomed by Marvel fans who has been dying to see a standalone Black Widow movie. Moreover, who doesn’t love to see Natasha Romanoff in a thrilling and suspenseful, tightly wound chase story, which isolates her from the rest of the Avengers.
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