In a recent announcement, Forest Whitaker who plays a vital role in the upcoming MCU movie, Blank Panther revealed that the movie will go to the outer space. This recent statement from the actor suggests that the Mad Titan, Thanos might be making a brief cameo in the solo outing of the king of Wakanda. From the Black Panther trailers, fans had thought that the movie will take place only in the fictional African nation of Wakanda and it will be focused only on Black Panther and his allies. For a very long time, Marvel fans and casual movie watchers have been speculating that the soul stone in the Marvel Universe, which has not yet been shown in the MCU, is in Black Panther’s Wakanda.
So, it will make total sense for Thanos to make an appearance, as he is in pursuit of the Infinity Stones. However, don’t expect a mind-blowing action sequence between Thanos and Black Panther in the movie since the Mad Titan is rumored to appear only in a post-credit sequence. There has not yet been any official confirmation on whether Thanos will be appearing in the movie or not. This means that we will have to wait until February 16, 2018, which is the official release date of Black Panther movie to know whether the rumour is true or not.
Forest Whitaker who plays the elder Zuri in Blathe movie said, We’re gonna see not only travel things but things that take us into outer space and things that take us into the James Bond space." Whitaker added, “It’s a really unique amalgamation of different things that come together in an exciting way.” Yes, the director of Black Panther had already talked about the similarities between James Bond and Black Panther but the recent mention of outer space has increased the hype and anticipation for this MCU movie, which will hit the theatres a couple of months before the release of the most awaited superhero showdown, Avengers Infinity War.
From the Avengers Infinity war trailer, it was evident that the fictional nation of Wakanda will play a crucial role in setting up the movie. In fact, Black Panther, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, and a few more superheros were also seen fighting an unknown army in Wakanda. So, Thanos might be sending a few of his troops to retrieve the soul stone from Wakanda or he may even make a visit to collect the infinity stones in the post credits scene of Black Panther movie. Either way, who doesn’t want to see a solo Black Panther movie that takes fans to Wakanda and outer space.
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